I’ve been using the marvellous FluentAssertions library for many years, yet I still discover useful details I had not been aware of.

Whenever you want to check returned collections/IEnumerable<>s and the elements don’t have compare-by-value semantics (so in the vast majority of cases at least in my experience), you need to use .Should().BeEquivalentTo() rather than .Should().Equal().

However, there is a catch: BeEquivalentTo() does not check for equal order of elements. So, for the past few years, I used to work around this in more or less complicated ways - until today to my delight I noticed that BeEquivalentTo() has an overload with a configuration parameter that lets you specify exactly what I need:

underTest.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected, cfg => cfg.WithStrictOrdering());

The only, minor drawback is that, naturally, this signature doesn’t allow params style passing of the elements to compare against.